Andre Robatino <> writes:
> I see this on every Hulu video, using the 64-bit flash plugin on x86_64.
>  Fortunately, I can still control the video using the keyboard - for
> example, space bar to pause/play and up/down arrows to control the
> volume.  I think but am not absolutely sure that the problem started
> after installing Nvidia's video driver from Rpmfusion (akmod-nvidia,
> adding the nouveau.modeset=0 kernel option, and running "setsebool -P
> allow_execstack on").

I see this problem Radeon-based frame buffers too.  It isn't just an
nvidea problem.

I noticed spacebar worked to start/stop the video but didn't realize
up/down arrow controlled volume.  That should be handy. Thanks!

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht
If the airwaves belong to the public why does the public only get 3
non-overlapping WIFI channels?

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