On 11/26/2009 10:37 AM, Andrea wrote:

recently Firefox has become capable of playing video directly without plugins.
It's the big HTML5 +<video>  saga.

I'm running Fedora 11 super up to date and I have to say that this things works 
a bit but not very well.

Take for instance the home page of firefox and click bottom left


It's a good example of what does not work.

If I pause the video there is no way of starting again.

Works fine for me.

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091105 Fedora/3.5.5-1.fc11 Firefox/3.5.5

And the same for all other HTML5 videos I've seen.

Has anybody tried http://www.youtube.com/html5, this is even worse as it does 
not work even without
pressing pause.

Ditto. Does not start.

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