On Saturday 28 November 2009 11:21:51 Mike Cloaked wrote:
> Can someone point me to a good step by step howto to set up Windows XP
>  installed from an iso in a VM in F12 using kvm.  There are some XP
>  applications that only work in XP itself rather than in wine or Crossover.
> I have not tinkered with virtualised machines before so this is a learning
>  curve for me.

If this is your first time, I can suggest to try out VirtualBox:

yum install VirtualBox-OSE

(it's in rpmfusion-free repo). It is far more user-friendly (from my POV) for 
a first-timer.

Read the manuals in order to learn what is possible. After your first install, 
you'll probably figure out that you could have made better choices in some 
areas etc., and you'll probably go make another VM, and another, and... :-)

I remember that my third VM install was pretty much perfect for me (it was 
under VMWare at the time). Now under VirtualBox I have it all working, even 3D 
acceleration (games and such).

It's typically faster to install XP from an .iso file than from the CD drive 
itself. Clean, fast and useful.

All in all, it's really easy, and fun to do! :-)

> It is not clear where the virtualised machine would get installed by
>  default - but it looks like it would be in /var/lib/libvirt/images which
>  is on the root partition in my case so I made a new directory in a bigger
>  partition with plenty of space, and bind mounted it ahead of trying to
>  create a new VM.

KVM has that path as default. AFAIK, the problem is that if you change it, 
SELinux will start yelling at you --- be prepared to deal with it, chcon your 
custom directory, semanage policies etc... VirtualBox doesn't have those 
problems. ;-)

HTH, :-)

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