On 12/01/2009 08:57 PM, Hiisi wrote:
2009/12/1 Joachim Backes<joachim.bac...@rhrk.uni-kl.de>:
After applying the most recent FC12 updates I have problems to mount
floppies: The device /dev/fd0 is lost, and I have to do call "modprobe
floppy" for getting the floppy operable

No such problem with kernel-PAE-

Anybody has similar problems?

UDEV problem?

Installed:  libudev-145-14.fc12.i686, udev-145-14.fc12.i686

I have similar problem. On my system:
uname -a
Linux ***.** #1 SMP Tue Nov 17 21:10:57 EST 2009
i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
I have to run # MAKEDEV fd0 each time after reboot to be able mount floppy.

Hi Hiisi,

that was my workaround too: putting "/sbin/MAKEDEV fd0" in /etc/rc.local.

The floppy handling seems to be a never ending history in fedora :-)
I remember similar problems in F11.

Joachim Backes <joachim.bac...@rhrk.uni-kl.de>


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