On Saturday 05 December 2009, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
>On Sat, 2009-12-05 at 19:30 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Saturday 05 December 2009, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
>> >On Sat, 2009-12-05 at 12:33 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> >> On Saturday 05 December 2009, Wayne Feick wrote:
>> >> >On Sat, 2009-12-05 at 11:30 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> >> >> Folderol even.  My objection to LVM is two fold.
>> >> >>
>> >> >> 1. It won't allow one to save things in the /home tree when doing
>> >> >> an upgrade or re-install.  I have an almost 10GB corpus of email,
>> >> >> and several scripts that are needed for my daily operations that
>> >> >> need to be preserved.  LVM makes that impossible.
>> >> >
>> >> >Can you elaborate? I use LVM on all my systems, and whenever I move
>> >> > to a new Fedora release I carry the old /home tree forward to the
>> >> > new installation.
>> >> >
>> >> >Wayne.
>> >>
>> >> And just how do you do that?  The last time I tried to save /home,
>> >> anaconda would not proceed until I checked the format it box.  As I'm
>> >> an alpha test site for amanda, the recovery was doable and was done,
>> >> but what kind of twisted reasoning gives anaconda the right to demand
>> >> I destroy my data?
>> >
>> >Well, nothing (unless it's on a partition that has to be formatted for
>> >an install, like /).
>> >
>> >And I've never had that problem.  If /home is a separate LV, in
>> >Anaconda, select the PV with the /home LV inside it.  You'll have to
>> >reset the mount points for all the LVs (an annoyance, to be sure, that I
>> >wish could be fixed), but you don't have to format /home (or /opt,
>> >or /usr/local, etc.) if it is a separate LV (or if it's on a separate
>> >partition).
>> I also tried that once, and convinced it I didn't want it formatted,
>> about FC6 I think.  It bought it I thought, till I found it had made a
>> /home directory on /, the proceeded to write the new /home with its
>> defaults.  I took a bit of detective work to ascertain that my /home
>> partition still existed, but wasn't ever used and was not in /etc/fstab
>> as a separate entry. Dumb was NOT my comment when I found that.
>There's always a /home directory on the root filesystem. 

Of course.

>If you have a
>separate /home filesystem, the /home directory on the root filesystem is
>the mount point for the /home filesystem.  If the instruction to mount
>your /home filesystem on the /home directory is not in /etc/fstab, it's
>because you didn't set the mount point for that filesystem (whether it's
>a partition or a LV) during installation.

ISTR I did,  but could be wrong, its quite a ways back up the log by now, so 
I'll plead oldtimers.  Since I retired at 67 and I've been collecting SS for 
8 years already, that isn't too much of a stretch. :)

> (Not that it's clear you need
>to do that during installation...  If you know *nix filesystem
>structure, you know what's needed, but if not, it's not clear how you
>find out.  I did a fair amount of reading when I first installed RHL

Chuckle, that beats me, my first install was RH5.0.

I need to install F12 here at some point, and it sure would be a hell of a 
lot easier if F10 had enough libraries installed to run gparted to prepare a 
drive the way _I_ want it and tell anaconda to go pound sand.  For instance, 
why will it not accept a /boot partition specified for more than 199 

Why will it not accept a separate /root partition?

Why will it not accept a separate /var partition?

Or a separate /etc partition?

When I lost my boot drive about a month ago, I used gparted to set a drive up 
the way my experience said it should be, then rsync'd everything to the new 
partitions, fixed the new drives fstab to use the labels I put on with 
gparted, moved the drive to the sata0 connector figuring I could boot the F10 
dvd in the rescue mode and do a grub-install.  But my F10 dvd had faded, so I 
had to get a friend to dl and burn me a fresh copy, which I then used to 
install grub.  On the reboot I was back to a fully working F10, with one very 
noticeable difference, the machine is now 2-3x faster.  And has remained so.

All those separate partitions that the installer won't let you do?  I'll let 
a df report testify.
[r...@coyote .kde]# df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3            100790036   9356348  86313776  10% /
/dev/sda1               404470    177420    206168  47% /boot
/dev/sda5             30233896   8013188  20684896  28% /opt
/dev/sda6             30233896   3822808  24875276  14% /home
/dev/sda7             30233896  10849192  17848892  38% /root
/dev/sda8             30233896   4082168  24615916  15% /var
/dev/sda9             30233896    193824  28504260   1% /tmp
/dev/sda10           704924448  91152808 577963560  14% /usr

Cheers, Gene
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