On 12/15/2009 09:23 AM, William Case wrote:
> I have come to this thread late and only given it a cursory read.  My
> knowledge of NetworkMangager is limited.  However, in a response to my
> post "Re: Fedora 12 -- A great new version !", Dec 13, Linuxguy123 makes
> the passing remark "I didn't have video or a network connection at first
> boot.  Somehow DHCP was disabled for eth0.  I fixed that, ran yum update
> and pretty much everything is golden."
> He doesn't say much further about what he did exactly to fix it.  But
> could your problem be the same as his "Somehow DHCP was disabled for
> eth0."
> Of course, feel free to ignore. As I said -- late and little.
Well, one way would be to run System --> Preferences --> Network
Connections and edit the interface. There are drop-down menus under
both IPv4 and IPv6 to enable DHCP.
If you have the network applet, you can also right click on it, and
pick Edit Connections.


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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