On 09-12-16 10:04:02, Steven Stern wrote:
> I'm reposting this as the original report had no responses.... 
> Firefox is completely unstable.  The stack trace indicates that the 
> problem is probably in the flash plugin, but it's crashing on pages 
> that, as far as I can tell, have no flash content.
> Abrt says it can't report a firefox crash because I need to
> "debuginfo-install firefox". I did that, downloading and installing
> 127MB of stuff.  Now, there's been another Firefox crash and abrt is
> telling me the same thing.  What to do?

File bugs.  File a bug against Firefox for the Firefox problem.  File 
a bug against abrt for the abrt problem.

As a workaround, disable or remove the flash plugin.

TonyN.:'                       <mailto:tonynel...@georgeanelson.com>
      '                              <http://www.georgeanelson.com/>

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