On Thursday 17 December 2009 05:27:32 Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Wednesday 16 December 2009, david walcroft wrote:
> >I tried to edit grubconf. with vim but when I tried to change 'rhgb' and
> >'quiet' the cursor would not edit the line as the cursor would not stop
> >at the line,it went either above or below the line.
> >Is this new behavior in fc12
> >
> >david
> No David.  That is a long line and you need to start on what you call the
> line about it, and then right arrow till you get there.

So vim does this as well? Such behavior is the only thing I absolutely *hate* 
in emacs. It is completely nonintuitive to word-wrap the text but not cursor 
movement. When one presses the down arrow, one naturally expects the cursor to 
go down to the next line of what is visibly presented on the screen (be it the 
same actual line or the next one), not down to the next line of a file whose 
structure which is not directly visible.

Best, :-)

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