On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 5:55 AM, Marc Ferguson <marcfergu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I did some work for a client last night. It was something I could have shot
> out, in Microsoft Word, within a matter of minutes. I opened OOo Writer and
> it took me a couple hours to come up with a mediocre product. I was a little
> embarrased by it. What I tried to do was create a flyer. I wish I had the
> PDF I created, I'll have to send it when I get home.
> Now that I've fluffed the email a bit. My question is, am I using the wrong
> application?


I have been using Scribus (http://www.scribus.net/) for my amateur
desktop publishing. If it is not already installed, you should be able
to install it with a quick yum install.

I do not use any templates for what I do. One place for them, might be
the companion site for Scribus (http://scribusstuff.org/) or with just
a little googling.


Registered Linux User #285548 (http://counter.li.org)
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