Slow it down a moment - lets get some concepts clear.

   gmail does 3 things for you ..

       1) it receives your mail

       2) it send mail on your behalf

       3) it lets you store the mail it has received and read the mail
that it has received for you.

 (1) & (2) are mail server functions.

 (3) is an imap server function.

 So when you set up an local imap server - you are setting up a server
that allows you to store and read emails. This is (3).

  In thunderbird you 'add an account' and as I described in first email
- set it up for your imap server.

  Once that is done you should have 2 accounts in thunderbird - gmail
and the second one you created.

  In thunderbird you can drag or copy emails from gmail to your second

  Thats it.

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