Mikkel wrote:
On 12/20/2009 09:00 PM, Marcel Rieux wrote:
You're right, my hasty extrapolations were wrong. But I don't believe
you can get a Flash drive working that will be listed only as /dev/sdb
any more than you can have a HD working with only /dev/sda. I have no
idea about arrays, I'm talking about standard desktops with one drive.

Under Linux, you can do both. While you will be asked if that is
what you really want to do, the tools are happy to let you. Mount
has no problems mounting /dev/sda if you have formatted /dev/sda.
(Apposed to formatting /dev/sda1). Windows may not like it, but that
is another story.

Putting a filesystem on the entire, unpartitioned device is referred
to as "super floppy" or "superfloppy" format.  It's been around, and
supported, since the days of ZIP disks.

Bob Nichols     "NOSPAM" is really part of my email address.
                Do NOT delete it.

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