On Wednesday 23 December 2009 09:53:56 Linuxguy123 wrote:
> My wife is a busy professional person.  The organization she works for
> uses Microsoft applications for scheduling and email.  The users access
> their information via web browsers.  She is using the Safari browser on
> her iPhone to gain access to her information.
> My wife needs better access to her schedule and email.  Right now if she
> doesn't have an Internet connection she doesn't have access.  And the
> web user interface was designed to be used with a desktop computer with
> a large monitor, not a small handheld device like an iPhone.
> There must be a better way.
> I understand that some of the OS desktop apps (Evolution and Kontact)
> are going to be working with Microsoft Exchange.  I suspect that when
> they do she will be able to access her information via them.
> So what is the smallest practical device that will run F12 ?
> How else could one run apps like Evolution and Contact on a small
> device ?  Could they be made to run on a Symbian device ?  What about
> Android ?
> Thanks
The nokia N900 runs debian, you can open a terminal, tweak the sources and 
install things via dpkg.  I have a co-worker that has one - it's pretty 

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