--- On Wed, 12/30/09, Rich Emberson <emberson.r...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Trying to do a 
> yum makecache
> on my fedora 12 i386 machine and it starts downloading
> updates/filelists_db
> and the download rate gets slower and slower, from 100s of
> KBs/second to KBs to 100s of B/s to Bytes/seccond
> to 0 B/s - basically stopping.
> I can Control-C to restart but the same happens again.
> After a couple of Control-C's it switches
> mirrors but it still happens.
> Whats up?

I got the same behavior with just a normal yum update on my 64-bit system. 
Solved it with: yum install yum-plugin-fastestmirror.  Also check to see if you 
have yum-presto installed, too.

This link will help.



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