--- On Fri, 1/1/10, Jim <mickey...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> On 01/01/2010 12:58 PM, Patrick
> Bartek wrote:
> > VLC DVDPlayback
> I have libdvdcss already installed.
> And I should be telling you that this is a X86_64 box.
> VLC and libdvdcss is a X86_64 rpm

My system is 64-bit, also: AMD dual booting F9 & 12.  I installed F12 a couple 
weeks ago, but only got around to installing (using yum) VLC and libdvdcss, 
both 64-bit, a few days ago.  I tested VLC using a commercial movie DVD 
(CHICAGO, if you are wondering), and it worked fine.  It also worked with a few 
other movies I had.  However, I remember reading quite some time ago, that some 
DVDs have proprietary encryption/encoding/whatever to prevent copying, etc. and 
those require a DVD player that is set up with that proprietary key to play.  
All contemporary players are so outfitted.  Older ones aren't.  And, of course, 
this proprietary feature is not available to the general public.  So, no way to 
play the DVD on your computer.

This may not be your problem, but it is something to consider.

How did you install VLC?  If you didn't use yum or an equivalent package 
manager, you may not have gotten the dependent libraries, etc.  My new, but 
fully updated F12 set up didn't have all the necessary dependencies when I 
installed VLC.  So, check.


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