I want to be sure, for license compliance, that all the binary bits on
the final LiveCD have corresponding source code available.

One of the "features" I'd like to see something in the stack of
livecd-tools produce is a CD/DVD/whatever of the SRPMS that match the
RPMs that go into the LiveCD.  Smooge and I have both done this
ourselves, with varying degrees of ease, essentially querying all the
installed RPMs on the LiveCD after-the-fact and generating the list,
then grabbing the files etc.  All very manual.  I expect there's a
better way, and I'm even open to helping code it, but am looking for
direction from you - those who know the tools best...

Maybe it's really an Anaconda feature?

Advise please.


Matt Domsch
Linux Technology Strategist, Dell Office of the CTO
linux.dell.com & www.dell.com/linux

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