On Wed, 2007-09-05 at 09:58 -0400, Jeremy Katz wrote:
> I think that some of the above will go a long way towards making things
> look nicer which is going to make me more amenable to it.  I still don't
> necessarily _like_ it because I still think that it makes anaconda
> depend a bit too much on a lot of the details; but I guess as long as it
> can fall back cleanly in the absence of the bits, that just means a
> larger testing matrix. 

        The extra details that anaconda will know about is "if there is an
osmin.img, use that to create a snapshot device on top of os.img".

        That does raise an interesting question, I think ... there is a
"protocol" between livecd-tools and anaconda, which would suggest that
the kickstart configs should require[1] a minimal version of anaconda
and, also, that anaconda needs to continue supporting older versions of
the protocol for a while.

        Maybe a good way to express it would be for the anaconda RPM to
"Provides: livecd-protocol = 1" and have livecd-creator check whether
any of the repos provide the appropriate version before creating the

        (In this case, though, we probably wouldn't bump the protocol number
since the fallbacks ensure continued compatibility)

        Just a thought ...


[1] - Yeah, I know kickstart can't do that.

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