Douglas, I'm going to stirfry your email in responding

While nothing I'm about to say helps you now, here is a reiteration of my theoretical QA plan to mitigate similar problems in the future-

A) install livecd-tools and revisor by default in a standard spin. developer spin seems like the right place. I don't think either will bring in many new dependencies, i.e. take up signifcant space.

B) have a dedicated QA server spinning up daily spins of (A). These QA spins would be served via bittorrent. This server would be f7(stable) pulling in updates via yum daily. After being created, these spins would be booted under headless qemu, displaying to a vnc recorded session. These boot-videos would be available via bittorrent as well, as well as basic boot-speed timing analysis, and logfiles from the boot.

C) have another server like (B), except which is a rawhide, updated daily system, running git livecd-tools, doing exactly the same thing.

I'm using vmware in places of qemu. Since I only have two physical machines to use for everything, I have one virtual machine that handles just development of LiveCDs with Revisor and a second that's used for testing. The nice thing is that if an RPM ever does blow up my LiveCD creation machine, building another one (if I can ever figure out how to get one that stays working) doesn't take much time. Of course that LiveCD with Revisor on it that I asked about a week ago would make things very cool.

Starting in the middle of the process, what I do is:
* boot the last livecd image
* based on what I find in testing, adjust the kickstart file and my custom rpm. I'll continue the testing/tweaking project until I've made enough changes that there's a significant divergance between the original and the next rev
* create another livecd
* wash rinse repeat

FWIW, I haven't noticed any similar problems lately, but I use livecd-creator, and not revisor, which apparently utilizes a significantly forked version of livecd-creator.
Certainly F8 doesn't exist yet, so one must not have the expectation that it can be used for a stable development system.

Revisor blows up randomly. When it blows up it takes far too long to get a system that works. It usually entails creating a kickstart all over again to get one that creates LiveCDs. Each rev seems to bring new quirks such as buttons that do nothing but blow up Revisor. Fedora 8 is currently in Beta 2; usually a stage where a major button causes everything to blow up.

As far as livecd-creator... after I posted my email I realized that if no one has any ideas after three days on the MBR problem, they're probably not going to have suggestions on a broader question like how to make Revisor work on an ongoing basis in a reasonable amount of time. If I'm going to have a shot at getting this put to bed before my next big paying project comes in (and causes me to shelf this for somewhere between 2 months and the end of time), I'm going to have to switch to another way of getting there. Strangely... google had just gotten me backed into livecd-creator when your email popped in. I'm going to try that. If I ever get around to creating that LiveCD for mastering LiveCDs, it'll probably be livecd-creator.


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