I think you're looking for something like this. If bob had a file called 'my_file.html' in his home directory, he'd do this to copy it to the root of the cd:

%post --nochroot
cp /home/bob/my_file.html $LIVE_ROOT/

fwiw, we had a more thorough discussion of this about a week ago on the list.


Asheesh Laroia wrote:
I was talking earlier about putting content on the ISO to be read by e.g. Windows users. If I want to make that content available in the live Fedora system also, what's the best way to do that?

What I'm after is a directory on the live Fedora desktop that doesn't waste space but shows the same content as the

There were a couple of "obvious" ways I could think of, which I'll refer to by one would achieve them:

* mount --bind /media/cdrom/my_directory /home/liveuser/Desktop/my_directory

* ln -s /media/cdrom/my_directory /home/liveuser/Desktop/my_directory

Both these can only expose the content read-only, which is acceptable but less than amazing.

* have a unionfs/aufs mount that exposes the ISO's content and lets users write using "copy-up" semantics

The downside of unionfs is that it adds complications.

Given these choices, I'd go for the symlink. Is that what you guys would do? Is there something I'm missing?

One used to be able to make "hybrid CDs" (c.f. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hybrid_CD ) that shared data between the HFS filesystems and ISO9660 filesystems on them, but I imagine that's not possible for the ISO9660 filesystem at the base of the LiveCD-Creator disc and the squashfs inside it - right?

Thanks for the quick and sharp replies!

-- Asheesh.

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