On Mon, 2008-02-04 at 18:10 -0800, Asheesh Laroia wrote:
> Anyway, off-topic question: Do people have a suggestion for how to 
> auto-generate the thumbnails for Nautilus before the live CD runs.  That 
> way, Nautilus will have pre-generated thumbnails for the images and 
> movies.  That will look nice, plus avoid a TERRIBLE I/O storm caused by 
> Nautilus opening these folders and saying, "Oh, I'll make thumbnails now."

I looked at this at one point and had something working.  You want to
resize to an image that's < 128x128 and stick the thumbnail under
~/.thumbnails/normal.  For a file that's (eg, for the fedora user)
~/Photos/me.png, the thumbnail would be
  ~/.thumbnails/normal/$(echo "file:///home/fedora/Photos/me.png" | md5sum)

If you come up with a nice script to do this, I'd be glad to include it
in livecd-tools as an example for others :-)


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