Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
On Sat, Feb 16, 2008 at 11:18:58PM -0600, Douglas McClendon wrote:

Another reason why I like that pipeline breakdown, is because the sorts of things that go on in phase2process can even be largely distribution agnostic. Combined with alternate phase1process plugins that support other distributions, and you get quite a flexible provisioning tool.

A significant part of the phase 2 procss is dealing with the bootloader
and initrd setup which is far from distro-agnostic.

Well, livecd was just one of the multiple phase2process options I listed. (others were push to a server, and instantiate as a virt host).

And even in the livecd case, I admit, there are significant differences, but it is actually quite an educational problem to refactor the distro specific differences and the things that are general to most distros.

For instance, I wrote my own initramfs init for fedora based on what I saw as the best features of both the existing livecd-tools version, and the very mature and flexible architecture that ubuntu's casper uses. The next addition I plan to make to it is to support unionfs copy-on-write for fedora, and then to support ubuntu/debian as bases. I do not anticipate that this will actually be a terribly hard thing to do (for me, given my experience in the area). For reference, my initramfs init is browsable here-


But yes, definitely non trivial, but something I plan to have fun doing...


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