On Wed, 2008-02-20 at 12:40 -0800, Asheesh Laroia wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Feb 2008, Asheesh Laroia wrote:
> > Unrelated issue: the images I generate last night based on Fedora 8 + 
> > Fedora 
> > 8 updates fail to boot, complaining presumably from the initrd:
> >
> >     WARNING: Cannot find root file system!
> >
> >     Create symlink /dev/root and then exit this shell to continue the 
> > boot
> >     sequence.
> >
> >     bash: no job control in this shell
> >     bash-3.2# _
> >
> > I have disabled our use of the Fedora updates repository to see if that 
> > fixes 
> > this.  (Do you guys know what's causing this?  Is this probably related to 
> > this thread 
> > https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-livecd-list/2008-February/msg00135.html
> >  
> > ?)  I'll report back in a few hours, after the rebuild.....
> For what it's worth, 
> http://buildbot.creativecommons.org:8080/builders/livecontent%20builder/builds/78/steps/compile/logs/stdio
> is the build log for the build I just did that doesn't include Fedora 8 
> Updates, and that didn't have the above problem.

There's nothing obvious that jumps out at me.  The best thing is
probably just to diff package lists between working and not and see
which package it is which triggers things.  Because it'sd efinitly
sounding like a package which has changed behavior


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