Jeroen van Meeuwen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Lars Bjørndal wrote:
>> I tried to send the following message to the revisor list, but it
>> seems that the message does not arrive. Let me try this list instead...
>> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lars Bjørndal)
>> To: Revisor User Discussion and Support List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Problem with todays git version
>> Date: Sun, 13 Apr 2008 21:09:57 +0200
>> Hello, list!
>> Todays git version of revisor is not compilable. ./reconfigure
>> cannot
>> find revisor/modwui (whatever it is good for...).
>> I still would like to build a working livecd from my Fedora 8 box
>> with
>> revisor's command line interface. Should I expect to be able to do so,
>> or should I instead go back to livecd-creator?
> modwui has now been pushed, the latest GIT should work (given you get
> the latest GIT from livecd-tools as well, and make dist, rpmbuild -ta
> livecd-tools-015.tar.bz2).

I got the following error right after startup of revisor:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/sbin/revisor", line 48, in <module> revisor = Revisor()
NameError: name 'Revisor' is not defined


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