Bryan J Smith ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) said: 
> Agreed.  Which is why I just wanted to take "what works" in the
> "Stateless Tech Preview" in RHEL 5.2 (5.1+) and make a more
> LiveCD/mayflower-like approach.  Use Anaconda to install to a directory,
> then post-process the initrd for Diskless, disk (including boot+update
> check), ISO, etc...

For stateless? Obviously the issue here is no easy support for
any client-side state specifics, although you may be to graft
something in.  Not to mention the issues of having the whole
FS be pseudo-read-write, which can lead to memory exhaustion
if you're not careful.

> > Apart from that, you're not likely to find much help in the
> > various upstreams trying to backport those things to the old RHEL5
> > platform. And it is quite old.
> Exactomundo.  I'm looking at, essentially, Fedora Core 6 (maybe a few
> Fedora 7 things if I'm lucky).

Right, and since the livecd stuff was finished *after* that, there's
no wonder you're running into issues.


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