I believe the Slashdot way is to solicit as much question as possible from
the community, and then rank it up so that only questions that are relevant
and strings of question can flow nicely.

Nearly identical question can be tweaked and merged to become a single
question. Other unrelated question may be stored in some kind of question
bank, and used again next time if we want to interview other people (eg.
Formula One system engineer)

On 7/17/08, Jeff Spaleta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay,  I have the ear of a certain Dr. Gregory B. Newby concerning the
> use of Fedora and scientific computing.
> Dr. Newby  is currently the Chief Scientist at the Arctic Region
> Supercomputing Center here at UAF which is how I found him and why I'm
> most interested in talking to him.
> ARSC makes heavy use of Fedora as a platform and I think we should
> spent time talking with an expert in the field of scientific research
> computing about how we can better match Fedora and this community
> for overall social benefit and better science.  It's nice that we know
> that the biggest, baddest computer in the world uses Fedora. But
> there's a deeper conversation that needs to be had about turning this
> sub-community of users into an organized sub-community of active
> contributors within the Fedora tent.
> Everyone here should take a moment and read his bio:
> http://people.arsc.edu/~newby/bio.txt
> It's a fascinating read, and there's more... much more....there to
> think about talking to him about from the Fedora project perspective.
> Here's what I'd like to do. I'd like to compile a list of questions
> taken from the community to ask him and them I'm going to hold a
> somewhat longish video and chop it up into segments based on general
> subject matter.  But how do i compile that list of questions? I'd
> prefer a list to be somewhat rank ordered so I make sure I ask him
> some of the most popular questions.  Though I plan to reserve the
> right to things not highly rated as well.
> Suggestions on how to compile the list of questions and get it
> somewhat ordered by popularity?  Obviously this is very much like how
> slashdot does its Q/A threads using slashdot karma to vote for
> questions...but we don't have that.  Is there something else floating
> around out there that I can setup and drive people to? I'm asking in
> marketing because once we figure out how to do it, we can run other
> interviews with other experts in other areas using the same
> mechanism... so its in this group's best interest in helping me setup
> a process we can re-use.
> -jef
> --
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