On Thu, 2008-09-25 at 19:48 +0100, Jonathan Roberts wrote:
> ... this exact
> same conversation could have been had 6 months ago, and I wondered
> where everyone was then. In fact, 6 months ago we had a test instance
> of Lyceum set up on Fedora's infrastructure that could have been
> turned into a production instance, but there were not enough willing
> testers.

You are experiencing "the Fedora participation effect."  It is akin to
what happens in other FLOSS projects, combined with a savvy yet slower
moving corporate best buddy that throws our orbit into a warble.  Two

* Idea work need not be lost, it can be turned in to compost that feeds
the next round of ideas in to fruition.

* Critical mass is elusive, you cannot predict when it happens, and then
you are in the middle of it. :)

Be assured, all of the ideas and work are not loss, it was an important
part of getting to critical mass.

- Karsten
Karsten Wade, Community Gardener
Dev Fu : http://developer.redhatmagazine.com
Fedora : http://quaid.fedorapeople.org
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