--- On Fri, 1/2/09, Paul W. Frields <sticks...@gmail.com> wrote:

> It would behoove us to have someone serve as the lead for
> this project, have that person get pre-orders up front
> through
> whatever means work best (PayPal, for instance), and then
> use that
> money to pay for the up-front costs.  I think that will be
> a good
> indicator of the demand for the book(s).
> It would be nice for people to be able to contribute other
> photos (and
> releases) for cases where they aren't at an event to be
> photographed.
> There is one large and lingering question, though, which is
> profit.
> We have no place for that profit to reside here in the USA,
> and
> probably won't for some time.  Perhaps this project
> should be
> coordinated with Fedora EMEA so any profits can be devoted
> directly to
> furthering Fedora activities there.  Or the proceeds could
> be donated
> to a worthy global nonprofit like the FSF.  We'd need
> to make sure
> that no matter what we do with any money, the full
> accounting process
> is as transparent as possible.

As far as profits from book sales goes, as I understand it
Lightning Source does everything. They handle all sales, collect
all the money, and send us a royalty check every three months.
Except for that initial payment to them for that first book, for
other books, they would just deduct their fees from what they owe 

They may be amenable to changing their royalty payment schedule
to once every six months: or a year. That would mean any pool of
money would be on their books, and not ours. We could just send
them books and they deduct the fees from our account.

As far as a lead for this project, I would gladly volunteer my
services, since I have some expertise in these matters. Or perhaps
we could make an overseer of someone like Mo or Clint, since 
they are both Fedora and Red Hat, and could walk through both
worlds so to speak. 

If nobody has any objections, I will contact Lightning Source
and amass the papers and contracts that will be necessary to
be signed. It's all pretty straight forward, they just want to 
know who they are dealing with.

<< Douglas Berry >>


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