
Let it ROAR

Heart of a Lion

THIS IS FEDORA! (cheesy I know)

These are probably stupid slogans though I gave it a shot. I'll think of
more later.


On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 2:09 PM, Paul W. Frields <>wrote:

> Hi Marketeers,
> There is still some time left before a final slogan is required for
> the Fedora release web site.  (Currently we use the slogan "Fire it
> up" from the Fedora 10 release.)
> However, during the intervening period since we collected slogans, the
> artwork for Fedora 11 has changed significantly, dropping virtually
> all of the design elements on which we based our slogan guidance.
> This is not a negative comment; in fact, I really like the new
> artwork, which is quite different from the earlier versions that I
> liked as well.  You might think I'm easy to please, but there are
> plenty of people who know me that will tell you otherwise! ;-)  I
> prefer to think that our Artwork team just does consistently great
> work.
> Now the artwork features a lion (which is appropriate given the
> etymology of the F11 release name, "Leonidas").  Since we try to tie
> the slogan to the artwork, I've come up with some candidates.  I would
> like to open the door for 48 hours for more suggestions.  At the end
> of the process, I'll look at the total list and pick from it.
> I've updated the wiki and invite you to put in suggestions.  *Please*
> look at the ground rules and try your best to stick to them.  If you
> think your previous slogan should be considered, feel free to just
> copy it to the new table.
> I'll look at the results on Saturday night or Sunday and touch base
> with the list with some thoughts.  Thanks everyone!
> --
> Paul W. Frields                      
>  gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233  5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
>   -  -  -  -
> stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug
> --
> Fedora-marketing-list mailing list
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