Another thing for the "jack todo when he gets back" list, then. :) I'll
add it to the wikitable (updates coming soon, racing my RSI and laptop
battery running out so this might happen in 7 hours if i don't finish in
I also see that tchung, nman64, and stickster are admins on the list as
well, so maybe one of them can take a peek and fix this if they have a
sec before then. *pokepoke*
Máirín Duffy wrote:
Ironically enough my first attempt to send this never went through
No notification it was put under moderation either.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Máirín Duffy <>
To: For discussions about marketing and expanding the Fedora user base
Subject: Re: $foobar update
Date: Tue, 07 Jul 2009 19:28:44 -0400
On Tue, 2009-07-07 at 23:42 +0100, Jonathan Roberts wrote:
Damn, I thought I'd sent this earlier but it didn't make it to list
'cos I used the wrong email address!!
I've noticed the same problem. I've written many messages to the
marketing list that never made it, and I never got any kind of
moderation pending bounceback or anything.
Seems like the settings on the list should at least be tweaked so you'll
know right away you got moderated because you used the wrong email
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