We originally planned to launch Fedora Insight on September 29 (right before infrastructure freeze), but I think we'll be in a much better position to get a stable platform up and tested, with a contribution workflow we're all happy with, if we push the launch date out until right after the freeze instead.

Therefore, our new launch target is Oct 14 (when the freeze lifts), and our revised schedule is on https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight#Schedule.

I'd like everyone to be happy with what we're putting out there, instead of feeling panicked and scrambling to rush things in before the freeze hits - sanity is good. You'll see me chugging away on FI stuff over the weekend and as next week gets underway - please join the fun if you can. ;)



*...and concerns, questions, comments, etc totally welcome, as always.

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