My apologies for not having this out sooner -- I postponed the email
at some point and failed to get back to it.

As with previous releases, Kara Schiltz and I have been working on
lining up internal support for the Fedora 12 launch.  I wanted to
indicate our schedule here for the sake of interlock.  The dates for
pre-release press blog entries are somewhat flexible:

Oct. 21 - In-depth feature #1 (SystemTap)
Oct. 27 - Video spotlight #1
Oct. 26 - Nov. 8: Edit webcopy for
Weeks of Nov. 3 and Nov. 9 - schedule and facilitate pre-briefs
Nov.  3 - In-depth feature #2 (Desktop or Virt)  <-- prefer Desktop here
Nov.  5 - Finalize homepage promo and send to geos
Nov.  9 - Finalize F12 launch video
Nov. 10 - Video spotlight #2
Nov. 12 - Press release to int'l PR teams for translation
Nov. 17 - F12 GA / Launch video / press release

As you can see, we're a smidge behind on a couple of the bits internal
to Red Hat -- the video spotlights.  But my expectation is that we'll
have at least one pre-release, and be able to have another ready
post-release.  Kara is working on a press blog entry around the
Desktop interview that Robyn just conducted.  Mel is working on
finalizing her interview text, and then it will get the same
treatment.  Everything else looks ready to go, so all in all I'd say
we're in "B+ to A-" shape.

Paul W. Frields                      
  gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233  5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717   -  -  -  - stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug

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