On Fri, Nov 20, 2009 at 12:34:20AM -0600, Mel Chua wrote:
> >I think the update in progress needs to be ..uhm.. "propagated" more.
> >Not a lot of folks (I also mean users who only heard of the drama via
> >dents etc and nothing more) are aware of it.
> +1 - thanks for getting this started, Ankur. Things are moving fast
> around here, and anything we can do to help with transparency
> outreach around the situation is a Good Thing. I'll post some
> resources in just a moment (Paul's announcement - which he linked to
> in this thread - is one of them, and where I'd personally start
> pointing people and articles to), with the caveat that this
> situation *is* still evolving rapidly.
> Give me a moment and I'll round up some links... I'm also hoping
> folks with more PR experience can chime in here with
> thoughts/advice/tips/strategies/examples of similar issues being
> handled well in the past.

I also posted updates to my Twitter and identi.ca feeds this morning,
with hashtagging that will help them get carried.  RTs welcome.

Paul W. Frields                                http://paul.frields.org/
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