On Thu, 2007-05-03 at 05:40 -0700, Anthony Green wrote:
> Ant wrote:
> > Transaction Check Error:
> >   file /usr/share/locale/de_DE/LC_MESSAGES/gtk_ardour.mo conflicts
> > between attempted installs of ardour2-2.0-1.fc6.ccrma and
> > ardour-0.99.3-8.fc6
> [lots deleted]
> >   file /usr/share/locale/sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/libardour.mo conflicts
> > between attempted installs of ardour2-2.0-1.fc6.ccrma and
> > ardour-0.99.3-8.fc6
> > 
> > But thats what the current thread is about, having both versions? 
> Ugh.. I guess upstream was wrong when they said you can install both 
> ardour 0.99.3 and ardour 2 in parallel.
> Nando, what do you think?  One solution would be to drop the .mo files 
> from the proposed ardour0, have it depend on ardour (2), and hope that 
> the messages are backwards compatible.

This is something I don't understand, looks like a bug (feature?) in
yum?. I have both installed in fc6. So I erased them and tried:
  install both in the same transaction: fails
  install ardour, then install ardour2: fine
  install ardour2, then install ardour: fine

So... install, say, ardour and then go for planetccrma-apps (I'll erase
"ardour" from the meta package later - for now).

-- Fernando

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