On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 10:12 PM, Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
<na...@ccrma.stanford.edu> wrote:
> Actually, I'd be surprised if there were _any_ audio users left using
> Fedora and Planet CCRMA that need to use firewire audio interfaces. They
> probably left a long time ago. Because you see, it did not work and it
> does not work, and that _is_ important. For those users, the performance
> and advantages of the new stack are NIL.

Unfortunately (for me at least) you can count me as one of them. I
miss enjoying the fruits of Fernado's work a lot since he provides
exactly the tools I'm interested in using, but Fedora became useless
and remains to be like that to me because: 1) I have a firewire
device, and 2) The latest RT kernel locks up a lot. For now I'll stick
to OpenSuse 11.0 which seems to be performing quite well although the
package maintenance is a little bit messy and I have to build my own
pd-extended (sigh!).

Hope things get better.


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