Fedora Update Notification
2007-12-03 11:42:48

Name        : rpy
Product     : Fedora 8
Version     : 1.0
Release     : 0.5.RC3.fc8
URL         : http://rpy.sourceforge.net
Summary     : Python interface to the R language
Description :
RPy provides a robust Python interface to the R
programming language.  It can manage all kinds of R objects and can
execute arbitrary R functions. All the errors from the R language are
converted to Python exceptions.

Update Information:

R 2.6.1

* Mon Nov 26 2007 Tom "spot" Callaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - 1.0-0.5.RC3
- really rebuild against R 2.6.1
- versioned buildrequires for R
* Mon Nov 26 2007 Tom "spot" Callaway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - 1.0-0.4.RC3
- rebuild against R 2.6.1
Updated packages:

a69d48cf3f91dd85b6dc9b3a5d802d3041bb8fb8 rpy-1.0-0.5.RC3.fc8.ppc64.rpm
04b8ab20658b38bb455849d4911415a562605184 rpy-debuginfo-1.0-0.5.RC3.fc8.ppc64.rpm
96f7b9364e0b90676b3ec8aca4d18590787b22e7 rpy-1.0-0.5.RC3.fc8.i386.rpm
110929006c0625dbaca312dfd14581920a98f969 rpy-debuginfo-1.0-0.5.RC3.fc8.i386.rpm
c6abf7049cb4b6304f5904663b66f26260e08fbf rpy-1.0-0.5.RC3.fc8.x86_64.rpm
487db613bd34579c7ec1b800ddfe06a68baf3b53 rpy-debuginfo-1.0-0.5.RC3.fc8.ppc.rpm
ad77f26797c03562442e3c18cd0e5fd7df21fc6e rpy-1.0-0.5.RC3.fc8.ppc.rpm
8e3e33ba1cd825e5ff0f0a4e30a9c7d30d5d1a00 rpy-1.0-0.5.RC3.fc8.src.rpm

This update can be installed with the "yum" update program.  Use 
su -c 'yum update rpy' 
at the command line.  For more information, refer to "Managing Software
with yum", available at http://docs.fedoraproject.org/yum/.

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