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--- Comment #9 from Simon Wesp <>  2009-04-24 
12:19:33 EDT ---
Created an attachment (id=341206)
 --> (

(In reply to comment #4)
> Simon, please step in here to get this review going.

Fine. I'm here. Lets take a little look inside. First of all. This package is a
hard package. It is not an easy package and should be imho for advanced
The version 1.1.6 Rudolf Kastl, Andreas Osowski and me agonized over 1.1.6
Andreas creted a srpm for 1.1.8 a few days ago, based on our groupwork.

(In reply to comment #3)
> By default mumble doesn't include installation procedures. To changed that I
> recreated trough mumble.spec. So now every time you start building 
> the
> project it adds install procedures into Makefile. But there is a problem with
> that. Obviously qmake doesn't make install procedures for files that have not
> been created yet. Calling qmake before make doesn't create Makefile with
> installation for binaries and libraries that are going to be created. To 
> bypass
> this in my mumble.spec file I'm calling qmake twice. Once before make to 
> create
> Makefile and once after make to recreate Makefile with proper installation
> procedures.
> Is this the right way? (I was trying some other ways but with no success)
(In reply to comment #5)
> If I don't create inside spec file I cant use marcos. If I don't use
> macros then the installation path for files has to be set manually every time
> you change package version. e.g. if you change from 1.1.8-1 to 1.1.8-2 you
> would have to manually change That's the reason I created
> inside mumble.spec
Imho this isn't the right way. remove this part completely.
this makes you a lot of manual work and it is ugly. follow the steps in my
little todo list. you won't need such things. 

(In reply to comment #4)
> Mumbles needs to be patched to use the speex from Fedora and not the included
> one.
"no-bundled-speex" is a CONFIGS parameter to do this 

(In reply to comment #4)
> Package murmur and mumble into different packages
This is absolute correct...
(In reply to comment #3)
> Right now both applications are compiled together.
Yeah, they compiled together, but they don't need each other, you can seperate

(In reply to comment #4)
> Include an initscript for the murmur server. Get it from one of the other
> reviews.
Attached :-)

(just to get in a right way, this list is not complete, there are still some
things missing)
(not good sorted)

- remove your created

- Correct the Description as cwickert says.
-- You can use texts from upstreams hp/wiki 

- correct License
the correct license is BSD 

- correct url
please don't use the "sf"-token 

- correct SOURCE{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
Please don't select a specific sourceforge-mirror.

- add missing build requirements
-- spexx-devel is needed for build without bundled spexx
-- desktop-file-utils is needed for the desktop file install
you need some more, please recheck this.

- split package in mumble and murmur (with -n)
%package -n murmur
this package needs a summary and a description and a group, too.
you can add a description on this way
%description -n murmur 
create an own filelist 
%files -n murmur 
for murmur

- add a new user "murmur" for murmur
you need a user for the murmur process. it makes sense to name this user

- add persmissions for "murmur" on murmur related files 
you can handle this with %attr in %files

- Add to make install
-- INSTALL="install -p" for perserve timestamps
-- INSTALL_ROOT="%buildroot" will install in the buildroot 

- Use CONFIG and DEFINES parameters in qmake
-- CONFIG+"no-bundled-speex" no additional comment. should be clear
you can find more infos in the mumble wiki
some configs would be problematical in different fedoraversions. like
you should create seperate configstrings for these and seperate it with
different if "instructions"
%if 0%{?fedora_version} = 9
CONFIG+"no-bundled-speex no-pulseaudio no-oss"
%if 0%{?fedora_version} = 10
CONFIG+"no-bundled-speex no-pulseaudio"
%if 0%{?fedora_version} >= 11

- install all pixmaps and all icons
you can find it in the "icons" directory

- install all mumble plugins (seperate subopackage(s))
-- work with PLUGIN_PATH - a DEFINES parameter

- murmurd should be installed in sbin

- add the attached initfile as seperate source, like Source1

- add overlay (seperate subpackage)
you can find it in the "scripts" directory
-- add a desktopfile for mumble overlay
add it as seperate source, like Source2

- you need to honor optflags

I hope this will help you a little bit.

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