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Luke Macken <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
               Flag|needinfo?( |
                   |m)                          |

--- Comment #6 from Luke Macken <>  2009-10-01 14:55:23 EDT 
Ugh, I loathe setuptools.

So, with this patch, the test suite runs fine:

    --- migrate/    2009-10-01 09:44:50.865973980 -0400
    +++ migrate/ 2009-10-01 09:44:51.972973558 -0400
    @@ -4,3 +4,6 @@
        :mod:`migrate.changeset` that allows to define database schema changes
        using Python.
    +__requires__ = 'SQLAlchemy>=0.5'
    +import pkg_resources

However, when adding python-sqlalchemy (0.3) to the build requires, it explodes
with a VersionConflict.

I've lost many a day in setuptools-hell.  Not today though, so I'm in favor of
dropping the %check until we can figure this out.

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