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--- Comment #12 from Thomas Janssen <>  2009-10-05 
09:50:30 EDT ---
(In reply to comment #10)
> (In reply to comment #9)
> > Sounds not too good. I will have fedora-legal look over it. Sorry.
> Here it is stated that MIT license is compatible with both GPLv2 and GPLv3:
> This means that you can combine code released under the MIT license with code
> released under the GNU GPL in one larger program:

Yes, that's true. My point is "different parts with different licences,
*including* MIT and GPL". Including MIT and GPL means there are others. As long
as we dont know *what* licenses the others are, it's a no-go from my

Upstream could be bothered to find out. On the plus side would be that it's
included in Debian. But i have no idea what "debianized" means. He could ask
the Debian developer to find out.


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