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--- Comment #8 from R P Herrold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  2008-08-15 13:05:17 EDT ---
> euh... since when the spec file should be in the tarball ??

ummm ---  since forever?

rpmbuild -ta tarball.tar.gz 
  with works just fine when the .spec file is there.  This is a feature of
rpmbuild and has been for a very long time.

This rpmbuild feature exists and a .spec file can live in a distributed
tarball, because it permits a 'single point of truth' ("SPOT").  See: The
Practice of Programming, Brian W. Kernighan, Rob Pike, Addison-Wesley, Reading,
MA, USA, 1999 at p. 239

Cited at, eg:

> Single Point of Truth[30] If a single application has more than one 
> description of the same information, then keeping these different 
> descriptions from conflicting is difficult. The reason why such conflicts exist 
> comes from the lack of ability to express the information in a single place. 
> This may oc-
cur either because two or more implementation languages are used and are
not easily cross-callable or the one language is not powerful enough to state
the same truth only once. This is an example of the lack of a language (or
languages) ability to capture the information of a domain.

> For example, in the Press Pot Java annotation system[23], a single file main-
tains information describing bytecodes. By generating code from this descrip-
tion language to both C and Java, Press Pot is able to keep the semantic
description always in sync in both the Java front-end and the C back-end.
As another example, in C programs, it is difficult to express a data file format
in a single declaration and from that description drive both serialization
and deserialization without using some sort of description language. From
a description language, serializers and deserializers can be generated and
consistency insured.


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