On Fri, 07 Mar 2008 01:18:24 -0700
Alex Lancaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >>>>> "CW" == Chris Weyl  writes:
> CW> Hey all -- I put some additional work into the CPAN->Fedora
> CW> mapping tools over Thanksgiving break...
> CW> * version info is now pulled from koji * version in testing, if
> CW> available, is published * versions pre F-7 are not pulled (working
> CW> to fix this) * data is now stored in a backend db *
> CW> upstream-querying is now modular, so querying other upstreams
> CW> (e.g.  for non-perl) should just be a matter of writing the
> CW> correct backend extension and providing a way to determine it
> CW> should be used against a package.
> CW> The page is still up out at
> CW> http://fedora.biggerontheinside.net/perl/.
> Hi Chris,
> Is this site still alive or intended to be update?  The last update
> was Jan 5.  Has it been moved or integrated elsewhere?  It's a very
> useful resource which I used for several months to update my CPAN
> packages.

Last I talked to Chris, Real Life and his Day Job were interfering with
his ability to develop this more.  He started a Fedora hosted project
to host the code that drives it:



Robin Norwood
Red Hat, Inc.

"The Sage does nothing, yet nothing remains undone."
-Lao Tzu, Te Tao Ching

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