Steven Pritchard wrote:
On Sat, Mar 08, 2008 at 07:34:27AM +0000, Dave Cross wrote:

I just took a quick look at that, and I noticed that a *bunch* of those
modules are already available in Fedora...

Yep. I noticed that over the weekend as well. They were created when they weren't available.

It all needs a good clean-out. Remove the ones that are now available from Fedora and ensure I have up to date builds of the ones that aren't.

I've started sketching out plans to automate this. The long easter weekend looks like a good time to start to implement them.

BTW, since YAPC::NA isn't all that far from me, I just submitted a
proposal for a talk on Fedora perl packaging...

That all sounds very interesting. I won't be there unfortunately as there's an ocean between me and YAPC::NA :) - but I look forward to seeing your slides.


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