Hey all --

So, with recent significant revisions to core Catalyst, DBIC, and Moose[1],
it's time...  Time to bring them all up to the latest GA levels on the CPAN.

My current plan is:

I'll bring everything Moose up to the latest in rawhide. (Generally speaking
perl-Class-MOP, perl-Moose, then perl-Moose*).  After that's in place, I'll
do perl-DBIx-Class' prereqs, DBIC proper, and then anything
perl-DBIx-Class*; after that Catalyst and all perl-Catalyst*.

After F-11 GA's, I'll do the same thing, but with the appropriate buildroot
overrides (which I'll announce here to keep Bad Things from happening).
I'll build and release everything Moose in one update, then DBIC, then
Catalyst.  I'll let the updates linger in testing longer than normal and
announce them here.

If there are no screams, I'll start in on this (as time permits) over the
next couple days or so.


[1] I know, nothing "hugely major "here.  But given Catalyst/etc are
starting to depend on it, I'd rather have everything Moose at latest CPAN

Chris Weyl
Ex astris, scientia
Fedora Extras Perl SIG
Fedora-perl-devel-list mailing list

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