
I am cross posting this to both the Debian and the Fedora Perl
mailing lists. I hope this won't cause problems to either of you.

On FOSDEM in Brussels on 6-7 February 2010 there are going
to be two rooms for cross-distro talks.

I suggested on the FOSDEM mailing list to have a set of talks to
show/discuss how Perl and CPAN modules are being packaged by
the various distros.
What problems they encounter. How could the downstream packagers
work better with the upstream developers and vice verse.

Someone suggested that this need not be Perl only as the other dynamic
languages might have same issues. I sort of agree but I don't know about
those at all. So let's focus on Perl for now.

I'd be happy to give a talk about how CPAN modules are being developed,
how maintainership works, why do perl developers suggest installation via
CPAN.pm instead of apt-get or yum but I'd like to see if there are going to
be people from the respective Perl groups and if they are ready to
give talks on the subjects outlined above?

Any of you is planning to attend FOSDEM?
Can we try to organize a little session on Perl/CPAN packaging?

IMHO if we can submit 3 talk proposals
1) Debian
2) Fedora

then probably some of the other distros will also join in and we can have
a nice session and might even make some improvements to our processes
and to our interaction.

List of dev-rooms: http://fosdem.org/2010/list-devrooms-their-call-talks
Cross-distro miniconf: http://fosdem.org/2010/distrominiconf

ps. BTW I'd be also happy to cooperate on the subject of "testing".
If we could get 1-1 people from each distro explaining how they do testings
I'd be glad to explain how it is done in Perl/CPAN but this is a separate story.

Fedora Extras Perl SIG
Fedora-perl-devel-list mailing list

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