Pierre-Yves <pingou-e11oz7vxvvoxcrstzzn...@public.gmane.org> writes:

> IMHO R2spec is really a tool that should keep doing what it is good
> at, generating spec file.  However I could see the need for another
> tool that allows to generate/build spec/rpm in a recursive
> manner. Basically allowing sysadmin to build an entire repo easily.
> Something for which you would do: tool --build
> http://link/to/some/package.tar.gz and which would generate all the
> spec file needed in order to be able to build this package.

I haven't seen any responses to my package-deps thinking.  I'm hoping
that's because everyone read it and said to themselves, "Wow, this
Allen fellow is an utter genius: How profoundly correct he is! ".

Yeah, right.

OK, here's the SRPM of my current state.


When I run that against ggplot2, I get a "broad" dependency graph of
152 packages.  That's the list of packages that "should" be installed
to be able to R CMD CHECK all the packages, recursively.

That fact, the recursive Suggests graph, is why I think any tool that
builds a single spec needs to do the math; because there's no way we
can CHECK a package without doing it.

- Allen S. Rout

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