On Thu, 12 Mar 2009 09:19:37 +1000
Scott Radvan <srad...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Mar 2009 10:55:05 -0400
> Daniel J Walsh <dwa...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > So why not in your Introduction to Security section explain what
> > this guide will not cover?  SELinux and refer to the guides that do
> > cover it there.
> You make a good point, mention of SELinux was quite buried among
> other stuff, so I've added a short section early on in the guide to
> briefly describe it and refer to further information. Thanks for
> pointing this out.
> Specifically, section 1.1.2 which you can see here:
> http://sradvan.fedorapeople.org/Security_Guide/en-US/

Some general comments: 

- As of F10 (I think) sha256 is the default, not md5 for passwords. 
Check the "2.1.3. Password Security" section for that? 

- Where you mention tools it might be cool to mention the ones that are
  available in Fedora/EPEL currently. Might be too hard to tag them all
  and keep it up to date however.

- Section " Device Ownership". Is pam_console really still used
  for this? I thought ConsoleKit did all the setup anymore. 

- How about a section on openvpn? It should be a lot easier rand more
  flexable than ipsec. 

- ecryptfs might be worth a mention in the encryption section. 
Possibly also fuse-encfs ?

Thats the ones I see off the top of my head. ;) 

Thanks for writing this up!


> Cheers,

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