On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 10:24 PM, Máirín Duffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Máirín Duffy wrote:
>> i don't really think it is so important how we got into this situation,
>> more importantly how will we resolve this. And I don't think throwing away
>> and redoing the master fpo css is the answer.
> Just for everyone's benefit, Mark and I discussed this on IRC and Mark is
> going to move forward with the Amber-specific widgets and we'll stick with
> the applications css that works with the master fedora CSS since I think we
> agreed following that model is the right way to do things.
> The general model we're thinking of following is this:
> fedora main master css + fedora applications css + your amber css = amber
> css
> fedora main master css + fedora application css + my fedora css = my fedora
> css
> fedora main master css + fedora application css + fas css = FAS css
> Also we both agreed to use this list as our main communication channel as to
> avoid some of the miscommunications that happened before! :)
> ~m

Fully agreed on all.
I will post my amber related updates here on this list.

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