On Wed, Sep 24, 2008 at 11:58:12AM +1000, Andrew Myers wrote:
> I've been on this list for some time and haven't contributed much :-|,
> but I do have a suggestion to make..
> I was trying to find the list of mirrors today and went to
> http://fedoraproject.org.  From there I had to click "wiki" before I
> could find the search box.  Since I've used the wiki a fair bit I know
> that's where the search is, but perhaps not everyone would know that.
> Is it worth integrating a search box into the side bar or top right of
> the fpo home page?  If so, I'm happy to have a crack at it myself if
> someone can point me in the right direction to grabbing hold of the
> code.
Thanks for offering :)

From what I remember, the search in MediaWiki isn't exactly what we're
looking for, and we're looking for a cross-site solution. You might get
in touch with the infrastructure team on that. They're on
fedora-infrastructure-list, or in #fedora-admin. IIRC, we're looking for
something that searches docs.fp.o and the wiki, and other parts of the
website as necessary (fedorahosted?), with open source technologies.

Ian Weller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                  http://ianweller.org
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