On 2008-12-15 11:34:04 PM, Jeffrey Ravenhorst wrote:
> My name is Jeffrey Ravenhorst, and i'm interested in contributing to the 
> fedora
> websites project.
> I've been doing web programming/design for about 6 years now (i guess that's
> not a really long time, but i'm only 21), and its pretty much my favorite 
> thing
> to do as far as computing goes. I'm currently a senior at Longwood University
> in virginia, usa, working on a BS in computer science (they really don't do
> much web stuff there, but i do a lot on my own and for work). Anyways, i hope 
> i
> can help out... here are some of the things i consider myself useful for:
Hey, welcome!  We have weekly meetings on Mondays (although we've missed
a few this month), so if you can make it, we have one in about 45
minutes in #fedora-meeting on irc.freenode.net.  

Hopefully we'll be able to work out some tasks for people to work on in
the meeting.


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