user wrote:
> The domain  which links to your website
> is being used to send SCAMMING e-mail PRETENDING to be on behalf of
> EBay
> You should act to closed down that domain, remove the link from it's
> under construction page, inform EBAY of the PHYSHING SCAMM operated
> by that domain, before legal action may be initiated.

That is a test page included with our operating system;
we don't actually control the site in question.
Please refer to

> As a would be victim of such SCAM weren't it for the fact that I am
> a retired Government Computer specialist with 31 years of
> experience, I will have no problems initiating the legal action if
> you fail to act.

It would be best to avoid making such threats until you have the
proper facts.  Thanks.

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
How come we choose from just two people for president and 50 for Miss

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