On Tue, 13 Oct 2009, Clint Savage wrote:

> On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 9:29 AM, Mike McGrath <mmcgr...@redhat.com> wrote:
> > On Tue, 13 Oct 2009, Ian Weller wrote:
> >
> >> On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 09:32:42AM -0500, Mike McGrath wrote:
> >> > At present there are no known problems, can you get them to send a screen
> >> > shot of the capcha our way?
> >> >
> >> Here's seven fairly unreadable ones, out of a random sample of about
> >> 40-50 refreshes.
> >>
> >> http://ianweller.fedorapeople.org/captcha/
> >>
> >
> > Pooh, this is an opinion one, I can read each of those without issue.
> > We'll have to see what options we have.
> >
> >        -Mike
> I don't think it's an opinion one as much as what a particular eye can
> see.  In my case, I can read 'most' of them with little to no effort,
> but there were at least 3 that I had to squint or move closer to read.
>  I've had perfect vision all of my life.  What I don't understand is
> the value of having colored boxes that make it extremely difficult for
> the eyes to focus on the letters.
> BTW, I understand what a captcha is and its intended purpose, but I
> would argue that this is only one step of many for preventing computer
> bots to invade the fedora project.  Mitigation is the goal here, I
> don't think it's possible to eliminate all bots, but it is possible to
> eliminate a few potential contributors because of something simple
> like this getting in the way.

it's a new technology to us, I'd rather try to get it fixed before
abandoning it.

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