On 2009-11-25 11:59:37 PM, Sijis Aviles wrote:
> I'm setting up translations for start.fp.o website
> (https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/537).
> I've already have start.fp.o on the fedora-web repo configured and
> working for using genshi so that translations can be setup. Before i
> commit those changes I want to make sure I have puppet setup
> accordingly for the new setup. This is what i have setup on puppet:
Hey, sorry for the slow response.  The changes look fine to me, and we 
can test them out on staging first if we want to be sure.  I'll probably 
be pretty swamped for the next 1.5 weeks of so, but can we talk sometime 
after then to get this all setup?


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